Educational Agent Reference Check

Under the Australian National Code of Practice, we are required to check the referees of any potential new education agency partners. We have received an application from this educational agency, and as your name has been submitted as a referee, we would appreciate your time to please complete this form and send it back to us.
Thank you very much in advance for your kind assistance.

Referee Details
Educational Agent Details
Background information

What is the nature of your business relationship with the Educational Agent?

How long have you had a business relationship with the Educational Agent?

What do you consider to be the Educational Agent’s key strengths?

Do you have any comments or issues that may impact on the Educational Agent’s knowledge, skills or ability to produce outcomes?

Marketing and Recruitment

Would you recommend this Educational Agent?

Does the Educational Agent have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the education industry?

Do you have any comments on the Educational Agent's ability to recruit students and generate business?

How do you find the quality of the students recruited by this Educational Agent?

Visa success rate of the applicant?

How cooperative or supportive is this Educational Agent with post enrolment issues their student may have?

Any additional comments: